The Center Party also decided that the goals of climate policy should be sharpened, with the ambition that both Sweden and the EU should have zero net emissions by 2040. That year, all shipping from Swedish ports and all air traffic from Swedish airports should also be fossil-free.

Another point in the climate area for the Center Party was the so-called reverse fossil tax.

- We have a carbon dioxide tax today which means that the person who emits can also pay. But we have no support for anyone who removes carbon dioxide from the cycle. Of course, the public should pay for such an environmental service, said Rickard Nordin, the Center Party's climate policy spokesperson.

Examples of climate services that should be rewarded, according to the Center Party, are to capture carbon dioxide emissions in biocarbon or in various ways to capture exhaust gases and store them permanently in the bedrock.

"Of course, we will pay for this and the research also shows that we must switch to negative emissions if we are to meet the challenges we face," Rickard Nordin (C) told SVT News.