Liberal Demonstration Start of all-generation social security review Interim report within 24

To realize the all-generation social security system, the Liberal Democratic Party will hold a meeting at the Strategic Headquarters and will begin to consider the promotion of employment for the elderly and the review of the pension system, and will compile an interim report within the year. It was.

The Liberal Democratic Party held a meeting of the “Strategic Headquarters for the 100 Years of Life” on the 24th after the government's review meeting began discussions last week to realize the all-generation social security system.

In this report, President Kishida, head of the headquarters, said, “I want you to discuss this under the three principles of realizing a society where you can work for a long time, respecting diversity, and emphasizing sustainability.” It was.

In addition, the representatives who attended said that “the voices of people who work in the field should be reflected in the policy”, and in the future, interviews will be conducted with medical and nursing staff and business personnel. became.

At the Strategic Headquarters, we are working on promoting the employment of elderly people, expanding the options for pension start age beyond 70 years of age, and preventing diseases to prolong healthy life expectancy. To make recommendations to the government.