IVI Middle East Fertility Clinic has warned that taking bodybuilding steroids (Anabolic Steroids) reduces testicles and threatens men with infertility.

"These drugs reduce the size of the testicles, which affects their ability to produce sperm and can cause prostate cancer and a host of other health problems," said Dr. Francisco Ruiz, medical director of the clinic.

Ruiz said men usually use anabolic steroids to boost testosterone levels, increasing muscle mass and improving muscle tone.

But these drugs have the opposite and destructive effect on the testicles, as a result of the body's dependence on external sources reduces the production of testosterone in the testicles as a side effect, which leads to a decrease in the number of sperm in the user and in some cases to zero.

This is in addition to what researchers have investigated about the damages that structural stimulants cause to the formation of sperm cells.