The committee's warning to candidates of the FNC's 2019 election against the use of the name of the tribe or family in any form of propaganda has caused confusion among a large number of candidates who expressed fears that this warning would be tied to their titles. And their families in their names on the propaganda banners, which incurs heavy material losses, which the National Elections Commission denied, stressing that the use of the candidate title of his family or tribe «is not contrary».

In detail, the candidates of the elections of the Federal National Council, yesterday, continued their propaganda campaigns to attract voters, amid great praise from them for the remarkable turnout to vote abroad, stressing that the positive citizens in the electoral process, increases their responsibilities, duties, commitments and electoral pledges.

The social media platforms involved in the elections yesterday witnessed a state of controversy and confusion within the campaigns of a large number of candidates because of the warning issued by the National Elections Commission yesterday about the use of any of the candidates for membership of the Federal National Council 2019, the name of the tribe or family in any way. In their propaganda campaigns, they sought to urge voters to vote for them.

Candidates questioned whether the warning meant the deletion of their families 'and tribes' titles from their names on electoral banners, leaflets and posters, causing them heavy material losses. Belonging to the family or tribe by election.

In turn, the National Elections Commission interpreted this warning to the UAE Today, saying that the intention not to use any of the candidates, the name of the tribe or family in any way in their propaganda campaigns, is to stay away from phrases such as «candidate or son or A representative of a tribe or family »in electoral propaganda, either directly by the candidate or by any of his supporters.

The committee denied that the warning was intended to give up the names of their tribes or families, stressing that the candidate used the name of the tribe or family within his name does not represent any electoral violation.

The committee revealed that some candidates, directly or through their supporters, use the family name and the tribe in propaganda actions that contradict the transparency and accuracy of the NEC in organizing an electoral process, in order to establish the principle that the voter vote is a trust and to grant to those who deserve a national duty. Such measures are contrary to the executive directives that ensure that the campaigns of candidates maintain the values ​​and principles of society, abide by the regulations, rules and decisions in force in this regard, and respect public order.

She confirmed that she had taken action against a group of candidates who used these slogans in accordance with the legal procedures stipulated in the executive instructions.

Pursuant to Article 47 (b) of the FNC 2019 Electoral Regulations, the election campaign must not include any direct or indirect use of religion or religious slogans or ideas calling for inciting religious, sectarian, tribal, or racial intolerance towards others. .