Pinned for having dried up the four meetings of the Arctic Council, the ambassador of the clusters in France explained on Europe 1 that she was "paying attention to the cost of travel, to the carbon footprint" and also bet on the "diplomatic network" of the country to ensure its representation.


Is Ségolène Royal an ambassador of the poles to the absent subscribers? The Liberation CheckNews website has verified that the former Minister of the Environment has not been to the four meetings since her appointment in September 2017. When asked about Europe 1 on Friday, she vigorously defended herself.

"It's absolutely false"

Asked whether she ever "went to meetings", Ségolène Royal answered with a number: "I do not know where you saw that, it's totally wrong. the poles in two years is already a lot. " Before advancing an environmental and financial argument. "I make wise choices, we also have an international network, I pay attention to public spending, the cost of travel, the carbon footprint and I consciously choose where I have to go and where our local ambassadors can represent us. "

And Ségolène Royal to drive the nail on this famous "network" that can supplant. "France has a quality diplomatic network that avoids travel, and then there are the diplomats of the ministry, depending on their competence." No need therefore, she believes, to move each time.