Angela Merkel is expected to announce, on the occasion of a global day of action for the climate, a series of unprecedented measures, with a huge budget, to fight against climate change.

They will be millions to march around the world on Friday, during a global climate strike. Millions of young people - and not so young - who will have only one message: make the fight against global warming a priority.

And it is precisely this date that Angela Merkel chose to present a huge package of environmental measures. The German chancellor had summoned her ministers to work there all summer because for her, it is a "challenge of humanity". And according to the first information, the plan presented could be spectacular, and the budget devoted huge.

Paradoxically, Angela Merkel's coalition did not save electricity to give birth to the plan. Lights lit all night long, the government hovered until the wee hours on Friday morning. In total, a pact for the climate of 130 pages and a not yet official figure, but which will be historic if it is confirmed: 100 billion euros for the planet, it is twice more than what Germany had spent to save his banks in 2008.

40 to 50 billion over four years

In concrete terms, 40 to 50 billion euros were to be released within four years. We do not have the precise details of the measurements. Among the tracks mentioned in recent days, there was the tripling of taxes on airline tickets for domestic flights, while it is envisaged to completely eliminate VAT on train tickets.

Germany has a long way to go, it will not achieve its greenhouse gas reduction targets next year. The government puts the turbo because it is under pressure, with the Greens at 25% in the polls. And the day of Friday should be marked by a strong citizen mobilization. The call for a general climate strike has been widely reported and many companies have given their day to employees to go out and demonstrate.