Juventus striker Cristiano Ronaldo is still on the ground trying to evoke memories of a day when he was poor and did not even have the price of a meal.

After taking his son to the room where he lived in harsh conditions in Madeira, Portugal, in his most recent interviews, Don recalled three American fast-food workers who had pity on him and his teammates at the under-12 team at Sporting Lisbon, giving them the remaining sandwiches. The shop closes at night.

Ronaldo added that he was living with his teammates away from their parents in difficult circumstances, and they hardly find money to buy their favorite meal of hamburgers.

The Portuguese star, who has become one of the richest athletes in the world, asked for help in finding these ladies to invite them to dinner, and give them their unforgettable beauty.

"There was a fast food restaurant near the stadium where we used to live, we go to the back door and knock and ask the workers: Are there any sandwiches left? There was a woman named Edna and two other women," Ronaldo explained in an interview with ITV. In Portugal I tried to find them, and I hope that this interview will contribute to the search for them to invite them to dinner in Turin or Lisbon or at home. "

Lisa said she was among the restaurant workers who were feeding Ronaldo as a child.

Yesterday, a girl named Paola Lisa, who said she was working at the restaurant, was 16 at the time.

She said she always knew that Ronaldo "was among those who used to stand at the door of the shop to get one or more sandwiches."

She explained that she had always refused to disclose what she learned "except for my family members, because that defamation offends his reputation and hurt his feeling, it is very personal, and the secret of his past, until his disclosure."

"Once I told my son that Ronaldo was standing with him and the other boys at the door of the shop, he did not believe. Lunch we will remember the old days. "

"My husband knew about this, because he told me to work at night and he saw Ronaldo."

"It's nice to go back to memories that have been going on for a long time; it shows his humility, and people know today that what I was saying is not a synthesis."