At the time of writing, Animal Rights has just over 440,000 followers on social media, and membership in the organization is increasing according to Cleo Khaldi. She believes that the climate debate may be one of the issues.

- More people realize how important it is that we stop eating animals, I also think that more people see the seriousness of the meat industry, says Cleo Khaldi.

Instead of completely quitting eating meat, an alternative could be to eat more climate-smart meats, such as wild boar. But for Cleo Khaldi and many others in Animal Rights, it doesn't matter if the animal lived in the wild or was raised. It is rather we humans who have to adapt to the wild animals.

- People are a bigger problem for me. We take over land and resources from other animal species, she says.

In the clip above you can see more about how the Animal Rights view of the meat industry and the problems with the wild boar strain.

This article is part of the project Sweden meets. During the autumn, SVT reflects on a number of issues where opinions are sharply disjointed. To find out more, you can either answer the question or go to Sweden's website.