Nearly 7,000 babies in the world die every day WHO asks for countermeasures September 20 0:15

Every day, an estimated 7,000 babies die within the first month of life. WHO, the World Health Organization, etc., urges countries to take measures.

This report is compiled by WHO = World Health Organization and UNICEF = United Nations Children's Fund.

According to it, although the death rate of newborns in the world has improved since 2000, the estimated number of babies who died within the first month of life last year is around 2.5 million people and nearly 7000 people a day. .

In sub-Saharan Africa, mothers die at the rate of one in every 37 children, and in Syria and Venezuela, where civil wars and humanitarian crises have occurred, pregnant women and The situation of the newborn is getting worse.

About this, a UN official said, “A family tragedy is occurring every 11 seconds. Precious water can be saved if there is clean water and sufficient nutrition” Asking to take.