It was on Thursday morning that the Moderates issued a proposal to lower the tax on gasoline and diesel. It is part of the party's budget motion.

The party's economic-political spokeswoman Elisabeth Svantesson believes that the cost of gasoline and diesel is "very high" right now.

- If you are serious about living in Sweden, then you must also enable all those who live outside major cities to use the car, which they are also totally dependent on doing, says Elisabeth Svantesson, Moderate's economic-political spokesperson to SVT News.

"The hook on the Swedish climate work"

The Minister for Development Cooperation and the Environment Party's one language spokesman Isabella Lövin calls it "putting the hook on Swedish climate work".

- We are facing a climate crisis and our emissions must reduce much in a short time. That the Moderates in this situation prioritize spending billions on making climate-hazardous fuels cheaper is putting the hook on Swedish climate work, says Lövin in a written comment to SVT News.

"It's a dangerous and purely populist policy," she says.