A large part of all Swedes do not believe that their carnivores affect the climate, according to a new study from Novus - at the same time, there is a lot of research showing that meat is one of the biggest climate barriers.

Among other things, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency believes that more resources are needed to breed animals compared to growing cereals, vegetables or fruits. How many animals you have, how they are raised and where in the world it happens also affects.

Photo: Private

- Producing meat takes up more land and generates more emissions. As a consumer, you can think about how much, what type and where the meat comes from, says Eva Lövbrand, associate professor at Linköping University.

So you can influence

A large study published in the scientific journal Lancet shows that if you want to reduce the impact on the environment, it is the single most effective way to avoid meat and dairy products.

- Meat consumption per capita must go down, says Beatrice Crona, environmental scientist at Stockholm University and the Royal Academy of Sciences and one of the authors of the study.

Photo: Stockholm Resilience Center

At the same time, she says that does not mean that everyone should become vegetarian.

- You don't have to have the attitude that we should have no meat at all. All meat is not the same, for example, meat from animals that have been processed in Sweden much better than imported.

"Must to big changes"

Both Beatrice Crona and Eva Lövbrand point out that the individual's choice can make a big difference - but that one cannot expect consumers to solve the problem.

- Of course we are all responsible for our choices, but in the climate debate, the individual is given great responsibility. In order to keep global warming below two degrees, a comprehensive social change is required towards more sustainable transport, energy and production systems. Such a change requires courageous and long-term political decisions, says Eva Lövbrand.

If you, as a private person, want to reduce your food waste, it does not have to be very complicated. Both the National Food Agency and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency recommend that you choose smaller portions, which are organic or Swedish natural beet meat, or substitute a few meat dishes a week for vegetarian alternatives.

This question is part of the project Sweden meets. To find out more you can either answer the question or go to Sweden meet site.