CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt's Interior Ministry said on Wednesday it had killed nine gunmen in an exchange of fire in the cities of El-Obour (east of Cairo) and May 15 (south of Cairo).

Among the dead - according to a statement of the Egyptian Interior - a leader of the Revolutionary Brigade Movement called Mahmoud Gharib Qassem Mahmoud Qassem, and his code name "Khalaf Dahshouri."

The statement said that the leader involved in the assassination of Brigadier General Staff of the Egyptian army Adel Rajai, and targeting the ambush police Agouizi Menoufia (Nile Delta).

The statement said that those described as terrorists were found in possession of automatic weapons, explosive materials and a set of electrical circuits.

On September 15, the Interior Ministry announced the killing of a group - which it described as a terrorist but did not say how many - in an exchange of fire with security forces in the Galbana area of ​​North Sinai. Security forces usually do not reveal the names of those killed.

Commenting on the incident today, the director of the international human rights organization Alaa Abdel-Monsef said that this scenario is repeated every time a political movement, aimed at terrorizing the Egyptians, pointing out that the authorities carry out these liquidations in the absence of law and domestic and international control.

He saw in his talk to the island Net that this reflects a state of terror among the security services of the movement and anger escalating in the Egyptian street.

He said that this comes in the context of distancing attention from current events, exporting the slogan of the war of terrorism and "that there is no voice above the sound of battle" and intimidation of those who speak in politics.

The statement coincides with the mounting support for calls by the Egyptian artist and contractor Mohamed Ali to remove Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, through interactions on social networking sites, and before Friday, which called on the Egyptian people to come down in an expression of their rejection of the continuation of Sisi in power.