Amazon forest fire Protected animals 2 to 3 times the average year September 18th 1:12

In Brazil, it was found that two to three times as many wild animals were burned to the Wildlife Conservation Center as a result of record forest fires.

There are 23 wildlife conservation centers in Brazil. According to research by NHK, many facilities were protected by burning two to three times more wild animals than usual.

There are over 30 species of animals brought in, including birds such as parrots, reptiles such as snakes and lizards, and mammals such as monkeys, anteaters, sloths, and jaguars.

According to the Conservation Center, burned animals are often slow-moving animals, especially snakes, sloths, and anteaters, which are brought to the center protected by firefighters and local residents.

Of these, the wildlife conservation center in Acri Province, where there are many forest fires, was being treated for treatment by carrying a sloth that was late to escape and burned.

In addition, there are many cases where sloth children who lost their parents due to forest fires are carried, and the animals of children who cannot return to the wild are collected at zoos.

“Every kind of animal has been damaged by fire. Protected animals are more than three times the average year,” said Elaine Oliveira, a researcher at the Acri Wildlife Conservation Center.