Former Minister Renaud Dutreil, an unexpected guest of Matthieu Belliard on Europe 1, Tuesday, believes that Emmanuel Macron is right to use an application to control the effectiveness of his ministers.


Former minister to President Jacques Chirac from 2002 to 2007, Renaud Dutreil remembers his busy schedules and the pressure on government members. Today converted into business and support of President Emmanuel Macron, he considers that this weight is part of the function. "It's a special vocation, serving the country, there is no place for rest," he says. So when Emmanuel Macron uses an application to monitor the work of his ministers, Renaud Dutreil welcomes it.

>> INFORMATION EUROPE 1 - Discover the secret smartphone application that puts ministers under the supervision of the Elysee

Monday, Europe 1 revealed the existence of this tool which allows the Elysee to control the progress of the ministerial files, reform by reform. "I think it's very good that the state adopts methods that lead to efficiency, all citizens should rejoice," he said.

"Dump" his administration to implement the reforms

The former Minister of Public Service and State, then SMEs, Commerce, Handicrafts and Professions, sees no oversight in this application. He compares this situation to that of a company, where a manager checks the application of the decisions. "What has changed a lot, especially thanks to Emmanuel Macron, is this obsession with the result," he adds.

Between the adoption of a reform and its translation in the daily life of the citizens, there are sometimes long months during which the administration delays to sign decrees or to apply the new laws. "A minister must take control of his administration, it's like a horse that must be tamed," Renaud Dutreil insists. For this, a member of the government must "be technically up to the task", "have a tenacious tenacity" and "a vision".

However, "there are ministers who do not seek the results," says Renaud Dutreil. Some are sometimes "talkers" or "fearful", he laments. That's why, he says, this application can help focus on working ministers: "It is important that there is pressure for reformers to embody this ministerial function."