Like her husband, Isabelle Balkany was sentenced on Friday 13 September to prison with a penalty of ineligibility. However, she could immediately take the interim of her husband at the town hall of Levallois. Europe 1 explains why.

Sentenced on September 13 to three years in prison without a tax evasion filing warrant, she was still able to take over from her husband, Patrick Balkany. How is it possible that Isabelle Balkany is currently Acting Mayor of Levallois while her sentence also includes 10 years of ineligibility?

The call is suspensive

This is because in the case of the first deputy mayor of Levallois-Perret, to appeal "suspended" the conviction of Isabelle Balkany. She was able to immediately take over from her husband as acting mayor of the municipality of Hauts-de-Seine. Patrick Balkany has also appealed the decision, but this does not suspend the arrest warrant, the immediate incarceration, pronounced by the judges. But if he gets his release in the next few weeks, he can resume his mayor's seat and may even present himself to his estate during municipal elections.

Although it seems odd, if Patrick Balkany is released and his appeal is scheduled after March 15, 2020, in theory nothing prevents him from running for the seat of mayor of Levallois-Perret again . On the other hand, if the appeal process takes place after the first round of municipal elections and the judges condemn him again to prison, and especially to a penalty of ineligibility, it will not be possible.

>> READ ALSO - Patrick Balkany in prison: "We expect justice to be fair, not exemplary", says Brice Hortefeux

But it seems complicated that Patrick Balkany can embark on a new campaign, because another judgment is scheduled on October 18 for laundering tax evasion, bribery and bribery. A judgment for which the public prosecutor has already required 7 years in prison.