Writer David Hirst says Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's plan to annex the Jordan Valley would tear down all the walls Israel has built to separate Palestinians from each other.

The author adds in an article published by the Middle East Eye of Britain, that Netanyahu's plan is only a promise made to his voters in the face of his rivals in the upcoming elections, as well as it did not enjoy support.

Hearst points out that Netanyahu boasts that he will be able to annex all settlements to Israel thanks to his personal relationship with US President Donald Trump, but Trump has shown no willingness to implement this plan.

The writer refers to the remarks of the correspondent of the Israeli newspaper Maariv Ben Caspit in this context, which says that Netanyahu asked Trump to recognize the annexation of the Jordan Valley just as he admitted the annexation of the Golan Heights.

Whatever Israel annexes from the Palestinian territories, this will not stop the (European) conflict.

Authorization and law
He adds that Caspit and other reporters point out that Netanyahu did not need to ask Trump for permission to annex the Jordan Valley, and that he only needed a simple majority of votes in the Knesset, because the law enabling him to do so already exists.

In 1967, leftist lawmakers passed a law allowing the government to issue a decree providing for the annexation of parts of Palestine to which the authority and administration of Israel would apply.

He added that whatever Israel annexed from the Palestinian territories would not stop the conflict.

In his view, the PA is non-existent and serves as a means for Israel to force Palestinian police to evacuate the streets before its forces enter to carry out nightly raids throughout the West Bank.

Independence and weapons
Securing the independence of Area A is a fantasy, he says. Even if the Palestinian Authority is dissolved, Israel's only concern will be to acquire weapons held by Palestinian security forces.

No matter how populous the campaign statements are, he says, Jews remain a minority in a country they claim to be their land.

The writer says that Israel has established illegal settlements, and that annexation will affect the process of building and maintaining a Jewish state.

He points out that it is certain that the annexation of the Jordan Valley will change everything, as this plan will demolish all the walls built by Israel to divide the Palestinians from each other, and it will destroy the Zionist dream of a state that is predominantly Jewish.

Annexation and cultivation
The annexation of the Jordan Valley does not mean that Palestinians can exploit and cultivate the fertile land of the Jordan Valley. Israel exploits the entire Jordan Valley to meet its own needs and prevents Palestinians from entering or exploiting it.

The writer believes that the annexation of the Jordan Valley means the end of the Jewish-majority Israel. Since it would become a state with a Jewish minority, Israel would be forced to suppress the Palestinian majority.

He concludes that Netanyahu's implementation of his plan in a country in a predominantly Muslim Arab continent is causing the slow death of the state of Israel itself.