On June 12 this year, a larger area in the Garrison in Linköping was blocked off after a cardboard-like object which was suspected to be dangerous was found near the police station's reception. The police's national bomb protection could later find that the object was harmless.

Police and prosecutors, however, judged that the object had been manufactured to look like a dangerous object, thereby creating concern and fear. Now the police announce that they have arrested a man who is suspected of having placed the object. He is probably suspected of sabotage.

- The investigative work is continuing and the investigation situation is judged to be very good. Prosecution will be brought, writes Ola Björstrand, prosecutor on the police website.

According to the police, the man must be between 15-18 years and a resident of Linköping municipality. His young age means that after questioning he was handed over to the social services. The man refuses a crime.