Realization of the all-generation social security system

At the press conference, the minister in charge of economic revitalization Nishimura, who is in charge of the all-generation social security system, announced that the government's review meeting to be set up will include Prime Minister Abe at the top and Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister as well. So, the idea of ​​advancing discussions on social security benefits and how they should be borne.

The government has set up a review meeting for the realization of the all-generation social security system and is coordinating to hold the first meeting next week. The government's economic and financial advisory meeting and social security, which is the advisory body of the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare We are considering making representatives of relevant meetings, such as the Council, members of the meeting.

Regarding this, the minister in charge of economic revitalization in charge of the meeting was the press conference, with Prime Minister Abe as the head of the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Prime Minister Aso Takaichi, Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Kato, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Eihara It was clarified that the adjustment was made in the direction that the secretary was a member.

“The biggest goal is to change to a social security system that is safe for everyone, as lifestyles diversify simultaneously with the declining birthrate and aging population. I want to do it. "

On top of that, he said, “I shouldn't say the direction with a certainty, but I would like to discuss the benefits and burdens well,” and proceed with discussions on the benefits and burdens of social security. I showed an idea.