Assignment review has previously talked about how young people who are laid off due to stress increase.

Among women between the ages of 25 and 29, the number of sick people due to stress diagnoses has increased by 370 percent since 2011. The percentage increase is greatest among younger people, although the largest group of sick people is women between 45 and 49 years.

“It will be a huge cost to society”

Recently, a report from the Agency for Youth and Civil Society has been submitted to the Government. In it, young people have been asked questions about their own stress.

- Half of all girls feel every other day or several times a week that they are stressed. The numbers are increasing for both girls and guys, the girls are increasing it even more for. This is a very worrying development, says Lena Nyberg, Director General.

But what is it?

- We don't know that, and that's what is so interesting. We have seen this development for a long time and many have experienced it. This is a great individual suffering and it will be a great cost to society if we do nothing.

Several different causes

Lena Nyberg says that the authority will now try to find out what causes the growing number of young people feeling stressed.

- Probably there are a lot of things that affect. The school, the school's work environment, grading system, a lot of social media, but it is also the image of young girls being successful, looking good, living in good environments.

Lena Nyberg says that their study shows that people with needs are more stressed than others - and that certain groups, such as LGBT youth, are more affected by stress and mental illness.

At the same time, she believes that the negative trend can be reversed, with help from several directions.

- I think there are a lot of actors that need to be involved in counteracting stress and mental illness. It is not only the official decision-making bodies in the municipality, region and national, but it is also parents, I think, who have to think about how to stress their children. I also think it's about changing the culture among young people themselves.