- It is about habitats for many animals and plants that have a very tough time in our hard-to-cultivate landscape, that is, the places they live and work in have disappeared when cultivating the land. There are quite a few environments left, so it is important that they are saved, says Ulrika Larsson, nature conservation officer at the county administrative board.

Ulrika Larsson, nature conservation officer at the county administrative board, is out and controls the habitats that are worth preserving. Photo: SVT

Important ecosystem service

If a special habitat is removed, the landowner must restore it according to the Environmental Code. In the short term, it may seem like a good idea to remove a rock cane or a field islet, but in the long run it is not good - neither for the ecosystem nor for agriculture.

- Because animals and plants can live on these arable islands, for example pollinating insects, it is a very important ecosystem service that both the farmer and society in general benefit from, says Ulrika Larsson.

What is a biotope protection area? See the clip above.