• Casapound and Forza Nuova reset on Facebook and Instagram: closed pages and profiles


11 September 2019The Forza Nuova national secretariat has given a mandate to its legal department to proceed against Facebook Italia for the crime of defamation and for all the crimes related to the attack on freedoms of opinion committed against the movement. "Only then - announces Roberto Fiore leader of the movement - will we be able to know if Rome continues to shine as a beacon of law or if the Fiano-Zuckerberg political-media axis will have prevailed also over universally recognized rights".

The legal department, Forza Nuova says, "will collect all the requests for damages made by the thousands of people who have seen their own pages of work interest deleted. The criminal trial will have the function of raising the political question to the highest legal levels" . Meanwhile, the leaders of the movement have announced that ten more demonstrations are planned in as many Italian cities to defend their right to freedom of opinion and thought. Catania, Catanzaro, Caserta, Foggia, Rome, Perugia, Ravenna, Verona, Turin, Milan will be the ten cities on which the militants will converge.