Anyone who refuels a fossil-fueled car can pay with their bank card at any station. But it's not that simple for those who drive an electric car. The companies that own the charging poles have their own cards, and you have to be a customer of the various companies to be able to charge with their particular poles.

Different business models

The companies also have different business models, which means that you sometimes pay per minute and sometimes per kilowatt. Unnecessarily complicated, the organization thinks Green motorists.

- It should work exactly the same as when refueling any car. Many people feel that this must be solved, says the organization's secretary general Martin Prieto Beaulieu.

Anders Lewald at the Swedish Energy Agency in Eskilstuna coordinates issues related to the charging infrastructure in Sweden, on the government's behalf. He is well aware of the problem with the various payment solutions.

- It's a challenge the industry is working on. Basically, it's a cost issue, he says.

"A cost issue"

Since these are small amounts every time an electric car is charged, the industry has difficulty getting the finances of, for example, setting up a terminal for bank cards at the charging posts, Anders Lewald says.

Lewald, on the other hand, does not believe that the lack of charging infrastructure is delaying the transition to a fossil-free car park.

- In everyday life, most people solve this quite easily by charging at home so right now the restriction is rather the range of vehicles. There is a queue on the electric cars, says Anders Lewald.

Do you think there will be a uniform payment system for charging cars in the future?

- Yes, it will certainly be more uniform, but whether it will be possible to pay with a card or perhaps an app is difficult to say since there is currently a shift in society generally around payment solutions.