On Tuesday, it was International UN Day to mark suicide.

- Every time a suicide occurs it is a catastrophic event for loved ones and friends and it is also a serious event for us. So, in part, we want to learn from this event and we thought the system worked well as it was before, says Ola Fritz, head of operations in adult psychiatry Piteå.

"Difficult to understand"

Ola Fritz thinks there are some risks in removing the requirement for care to report Lex Maria-suicide-related care.

- It is a little difficult to understand why you actually removed it because we think it is good that several parties can look at it so that we do not investigate ourselves and I also think it provides security for patients and relatives that not only health care examines himself without having several other reviewers, says Ola Fritz.

Find the problem before it becomes a suicide

In what way have you become better at preventing suicide by continuing Lex Maria reporting then?

- We have become better at making preventive suicide risk assessments, which means finding this problem before it goes as far as suicide, says Ola Fritz.