An OECD survey reveals that French teachers are paid less than the average of OECD member countries. 28,000 euros gross per year against 29,900 on average. The Secretary General of the National Unitary Union of Teachers, School Teachers and PEGC, comments on Europe 1 this report.

Salaries of French teachers were below the average of OECD countries in 2018, said Tuesday the annual report "Insights on Education" published by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

"This brings water to our mill because you know, we have a tug of war on this issue, which is a question that makes this job attractive," comments on Europe 1 Francette Popineau, Secretary General of the Union national unit of primary school teachers, school teachers and PEGC (SNUIpp-FSU). Before continuing: "Students who have five years of education after the baccalaureate need to start the job with a salary that can be attractive.Today, they start with 1.600 euros, it is far below. and then, as we have already said, after 15 years of career, we have a salary downgrading of France compared to other countries.For example, there is 2.000 euros gap with our German colleagues " .

In mid-career, the gap is widening

According to this report, teachers' salaries are 7% lower than the average for OECD countries at the start of their careers. French teachers earn nearly 28,000 euros gross per year in primary, against 29,900 for the average of OECD countries. And it is not the 300 euros promised by Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of Education, which soothes the trade unionist.

"The 300 euros will be neither monthly nor net and are awarded for some only, beginners will not see the color for example." At best the colleague at the 8th level will receive 30 euros, which is not negligible but it is far from a salary increase that would catch up with the expected salary, "she explains.

French high school teachers earn 29,400 euros, compared to 32,423 euros for the average of OECD countries. The gap then widens, in the middle of career: for example, after 15 years of seniority, a college teacher earns in France 35,550 euros, against 43,107 euros for the average of the OECD.

"No strike in the immediate future"

So, what to do? Francette Popineau explains: "Jean-Michel Blanquer can not increase everyone at once, but he can start by making a multi-year plan for increases, but we do not necessarily ask for things to be done all at once, but we have to In this report, it is also said that in the expenditure on education, the share devoted to teachers' salaries is lower than that of the other OECD countries.There is a real effort to be made ".

Especially since between 2000 and 2018, teachers suffered a wage loss "linked to freeze point index" continues the Secretary General. All conditions seem to be in place for a social movement to take place. Today, it is not yet on the agenda, concludes Francette Popineau: "This report only brings tangible elements to what we have been saying for years, we will not go on strike in the immediate, we will continue to discuss but if it does not lead to anything, the mobilization will take over ".

Among their demands for re-entry, the French teachers' unions have made salary upgrading a priority. The Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, announced the opening of a dialogue on the issue.