It was an early morning in the spring when the couple were arrested in the hotel room in Årjäng. The police had been searching for them for some time and at the time of the strike, the largest amount of cocaine was found in the history of Värmland police - five kilos worth SEK 15 million. In addition, the quality of the drugs was unusually high, with a purity level between 87 and 95 percent.

The man was charged with extremely serious drug crime, and his now ex-girlfriend was charged with assisting. The prosecutor asked for seven years in prison for the 31-year-old man and for the 21-year-old woman, the prosecutor handed to the district court to determine a prison sentence that can be enforced in Norway.

Part of major drug addiction

According to the preliminary investigation, the couple must have traveled from Stockholm to Oslo to retrieve the drug, and also made several similar trips on previous occasions. In addition to the drugs, several so-called super-encrypted phones were also found, which were impossible for police technicians to analyze.

According to NWT, the grant will be part of a larger drug heritage with links to several arrests in Stockholm.

The couple has denied the crime and their defense lawyers have said they should be released completely. The man claims that he acted courier and that he was forced. The woman's lawyer says she neither realized nor understood that it was about dealing with drugs.

The text is updated.