A small cake you may have with a cup of coffee in the morning, or a snack of light sausage to eat at lunch may seem harmless at first glance, but is that true?

There are many products that have serious repercussions on the body and should be wary of them, such as sugar, unhealthy fats, salt, alcohol and even caffeine, which can destroy important proteins and cause us dehydration, making our skin look bad.

In her report published by the Russian website FBRI, Julia Lobach presented a list of the 10 worst foods that negatively affect our skin, cause us to aging rapidly, and therefore should be careful when consumed:

1- Sugar
The writer said that sugar is responsible for weight gain and wrinkles and sagging skin.

Trans fat
She added that these trans fats are found especially in fast food, French fries, canned and frozen foods, and all kinds of unhealthy foods. In fact, these fats not only increase your risk of heart disease, but also complicate arteries and make blood flow to the skin weaker, leading to early signs of aging.

On the other hand, the writer stated that healthy fats are very necessary for the body and the freshness of the skin and beauty, as it reduces the risk of infection and promote hair growth and strengthen cell membranes, which reduces the loss of water in skin cells.

The author presented a range of foods containing healthy fats that are recommended to be consumed regularly to maintain the beauty of the skin, such as salmon, avocado, almonds and nuts.

3 - Wine

4. Salt causes fluid retention
The author explained that excessive consumption of salt is usually after eating foods such as cheese, pizza and potatoes. Overall, excessive salt consumption makes the body lock up water, causing swelling of the face. In addition, salt leads to the destruction of cells and dehydration. Moreover, the lack of fluid in the body makes the skin look dry and wrinkled, and therefore signs of aging will appear early.

5- Coffee and caffeine cause dry skin
The author shows that caffeine is a diuretic, which makes your body get rid of fluids, which reduces the degree of moisture. In fact, this makes the skin look dry and fragile. Therefore, additional amounts of water should be taken after each cup of coffee, as well as the use of a moisturizer for the skin.

6 - processed meat and sausage
Although many people love sausage and processed meat, which contains a lot of salt and preservatives, the consumption of these processed meats can lead to dehydration and inflammation. In addition, these products reduce the level of vitamin "C" in the body, which is an important ingredient for making collagen. Therefore, doctors recommend replacing these foods with chicken meat and turkey, or at least reduce their consumption and eat more vegetables.

7- Smoked meat
Black coal stains in smoked meat are likely to destroy skin layers and essential components such as collagen, leading to signs of aging. In general, it is advisable to remove black spots from the meat piece before eating it.

French fries
Foods fried in oil at high temperatures cause chemical reactions that destroy skin cells.

The author provided a list of the best food products that help maintain the freshness of the skin and youth, such as:

1 - Pomegranate, which contains vitamins and antioxidants, and fights damage caused by sunlight.

2. Olive oil containing omega-3 fatty acids beneficial to the skin.

3. Antioxidant-rich berries , which help maintain skin cell elasticity and lower blood pressure.

4. Green tea that protects against the effects of oxidation on the skin due to ultraviolet radiation.

Green leafy greens , such as spinach, have anti-inflammatory properties, and are rich in vitamins like E, C and K.

6. Fish filled with fats such as salmon, tuna and sardines, which are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty salts.

7 - Water plays the most important role in the fight against signs of aging, therefore should be drinking continuously to keep all body parts and limbs in good condition, which supports metabolic processes and protects the skin from dehydration.