Al-Azhar asserted through his message derived from the Islamic religion to correct the image of Islam, which groups of violence and enemies of tolerance and the actions of the ignorant sought to distort.

In a recent report by the Al-Azhar Center for Combating Extremism, he added that he feels responsibility towards Muslim groups living among a non-Muslim majority, and therefore plays a major role in arming them with the correct Islamic religious values, the concepts of tolerance and coexistence, and the values ​​of dialogue advocated by this true religion.

Al-Azhar said that his message was not limited to Islam and Muslims. Religions for a more peaceful and secure humanity for the present and the future.

He said that «the institutions of Al-Azhar and the Vatican play the role assigned to him humanly and religiously, and their mission and principles are similar in order to reform societies, achieve peace and renounce violence and promote dialogue».

He said that "since all the problems and crises facing the world and suffering by humanity are due to reasons such as ignorance of the other, lack of hearing from each other, and the widening gap between religions and cultures, and the loss of access to other cultures only through means lacking in morality and values, and concerned with excitement. And spread fear and hatred among nations by exporting horrific stereotypes that are transmitted in societies from each other. ”

He continued that he realized that the file of religious dialogue, and building bridges with other religions and cultures is the best way to dispel those darkness and end crises.

He said that one of the most important dialogues held by Al-Azhar in the context of interfaith dialogue file is the file of Al-Azhar and the Vatican, where the recent period witnessed a good and unprecedented relationship between Al-Azhar Foundation and the Vatican Foundation; And west.

He pointed out that the good relations resulted in exchanging visits between Al-Azhar Sheikh and the Pope of the Vatican. One of the visits was in Rome, the second in Cairo inside Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, then the third in the UAE, which is the most prominent meeting that has occupied the whole world. For its positive role in promoting peace and security and spreading the culture of dialogue between different cultures, this meeting witnessed the signing of the "Human Brotherhood Document", which calls on all peoples of all cultures, religions and sects to adopt a culture of dialogue, strengthen relations, renounce violence and build bridges. And fill the gaps.

Dialogue with wisdom

According to a report issued by Al-Azhar, Al-Azhar believes that changing negative stereotypes about Islam will only bring about dialogue, and that the definition of nations to Islam will come only by building bridges, and therefore his belief in the importance of religious dialogue was not a state of reaction to these crises that surround our world. ».

He added that «Al-Azhar derives its message from Islamic legislation, which led him to interact and go for dialogue with wisdom, which is better, his message in the issue of religious dialogue is not in line with the times, or in conjunction with the calls and temporary shouts because of a problem in the East or the West, but is a belief "It is a religious and a duty of faith that stems from the nature of the institution before it is a reaction to the current problems in the world."