Conflicts between Hong Kong and the mainland Chinese have been reported around the world for protests against the "Criminal Indian Bill," the South China Morning Post reported.

Hong Kong-based citizens rally in Adelaide and Sydney, Australia, in support of protests against repatriation law.

In the same period, cities around the world where rally protests against repatriation laws were held, including London, France, Paris, Germany, Berlin, and Melbourne, Australia. .

On Monday, the people from Hong Kong gathered to churches in Vancouver, Canada, to hold a prayer meeting related to the demonstrations in Hong Kong.

Last month, Hong Kong-based international students held a rally in support of protests against repatriation law at the University of Queensland, Australia, and clash with international students from mainland China.

In particular, there are even cases where Chinese and international students from mainland China, which are far superior in number, threaten or attack Hong Kong personally.

As of 2016, Australia has 1.2 million Chinese, 41% of whom are from mainland China.

Only 6.5% are from Hong Kong.

Of the 1.76 million Chinese Chinese speaking in Canada, 753,000 are from mainland China and 216,000 are from Hong Kong.

Some have raised suspicions that there are 'Chinese Student Scholars Association' or Chinese Consulates that support Chinese students in over 150 countries, supported by the Chinese government, behind attacks on Hong Kong-born international students.

A Chinese consulate in Australia issued a statement at the University of Queensland after a clash between mainland Chinese and Hong Kong international students and praised Chinese students' behavior.

(Photo = Getty Images Korea)