It was in mid-February this year that the man fell and hit his head. The following day he sought care at the emergency room in Borås and met a doctor who, after examination, referred him to the primary care. This is stated by Siren News Agency.

Suspicion of neurological disease

The man had continued pains, limited mobility and aching muscles and again sought care at the health center. He was then asked to increase the intake of painkillers. This is because the doctor perceived that they had previously believed in the emergency that there was no suspicion of skeletal injury.

Another ten days later, he met a new doctor who suspected it was a neurological disease and therefore wrote a referral to a neurologist.

The patient fainted

A few days later, the patient fainted in the home and he was then x-rayed at the emergency room and it was discovered that he has a transverse fracture on the other cervix.

According to the IVO report, the injured person is critical of both the orthopedic doctor and the medical center. The patient's wife requested an X-ray of the neck at the first visit to the emergency room.

According to a Lex Maria report, he was first x-rayed at the fourth visit and then received a neck collar and was followed by an orthopedic surgeon.