The new report "High school teachers who can't sleep - an investigation into an unreasonable workload" made by the Teachers' Federation came out just before school start. Among other things, it shows that just over half of the thousand gym teachers who participated in the survey state that they suffer from physical problems such as stomach pain and headaches. Many also had problems with sleep during the previous academic year.

One of the reasons for the ill health among the teachers, Karin Ahlgren believes is that you do not always add substitutes for illness.

- If you stay home when you are ill, it will be too stressful to come back again, she says.

And quite rightly - the report shows that 77 percent went to work even though they should have been on sick leave, precisely for that reason.

Parents question

Another cause of the stress and ill health is many administrative tasks that have been placed on the teachers as well as parents questioning and intervening in more.

- Today, teachers must document everything in the smallest detail, among other things in order to show, for example, parents who are dissatisfied with their children's grades, says Karin Ahlgren.

One third of all subject teachers in the country have been on sick leave due to stress and as many state that they are allowed to teach more than a year ago.