Visitors and patients who visited Östersund Hospital between July 29 and August 19 have been at risk of being exposed to air containing legionnaires. This applies to passage through the main entrance, the central hall and / or the children and youth department, as well as the gynecological reception.

- We have no knowledge of any cases in the county of legionnaires linked to visits to the hospital during the weeks where potential exposure of contagious air occurred. Therefore, I believe that there is a low risk of illness occurring now. There is also no current risk of infection as the fans from the cooling system are switched off until renewed sampling gives a clear sign, says Micael Widerström, infection control physician in the Jämtland Härjedalen region, in a press release.

Looking over the procedures

A routine sampling was done on July 29. The cooling fans were turned off on Monday, August 19.

The Department of Environment and Health of the Östersund Municipality is a regulatory authority and has been informed of the discovery of legionnaires in the cooling tower. The measures taken will be followed up through supervision, says Region Jämtland Härjedalen.

Regional Director Hans Svensson says he takes a serious look at what has happened. Routines need to be reviewed to prevent it from happening again.

- We also have extra coverage for possible illnesses with legionnaires, says Hans Svensson in the press release.