The German Association of Pediatricians suggests that appendicitis can affect anyone, but children between 6 and 10 are more likely to develop the disease.

Symptoms include abdominal pain that worsens when moving, coughing or jumping, as well as unwillingness to eat, intestinal disorders such as diarrhea or constipation, abdominal distension, and general fatigue.

At first the child feels pain in the umbilical area, and the pain is often transmitted to the lower abdomen on the right side. Sometimes the pain is accompanied by fever and nausea.If the pain is so severe that the child cannot sit, parents should turn to the doctor at Spot, where the incidence of appendicitis is verified by several means, including ultrasound and blood tests.

There are several causes that lead to appendicitis, including stool droppings, intestinal parasites or appendiceal obstruction. It causes blood poisoning, which is extremely dangerous to a child's life.