Japan Defense

Japan's Defense Ministry has decided to launch the "Space Operations Team" and the "Electronic Warfare Unit."

In 2020, the Budget Demand stated the creation of a space mission team that said it would improve the capabilities of the space sector, one of the new areas of security.

The mission is to monitor the space at all times to prevent instances of traps being suspended due to interference from satellite propagation necessary for SDF activities.

The Ministry of Defense has decided to expand the space operations force to about 100 people after launching about 70 people at the SDF pepper base in Tokyo.

The Japanese plan to invite US space forces instructors and dispatch self-defense forces.

The Defense Ministry is also planning to create an 'electronic warfare unit' that uses electromagnetic waves to hinder enemy units' activities.

At the end of 2020, 80 troops will be launched at the Ken-gun camp in Kumamoto City.

This is in keeping with the Chinese military's trends, according to Kyodo News.

The Defense Ministry also specified a new aircraft called 'standoff electronics' that would interfere with the missile's missile range to deter opponents' missile launches.

The Ministry of Defense's budget demand is expected to reach 53.3 trillion yen, which is the seventh consecutive year since the launch of the second Abe regime in December 2012.

(Photo = Yonhap News)