An airport employee is polite to rude to a traveler.

Foreign sources, including Fox News, reported on what happened during the time at Greater Rochester International Airport.

In June, Strathner visited the airport to catch a flight to Kansas. While passing through the checkpoint, I was handed a note to the airport staff next to me. Embarrassed by the sudden situation, he smiled at the employee who gave the note and asked, "Would you like to open it?" But soon, Mr. Strasner felt insulted. "You are ugly" on the note. Angry at the rude prank, Strasner asked the airport for a CCTV video. The staff in question in the video were laughing as they watched Strasner confirming the note. In addition, the employee was shown writing a new note for someone else after he passed.
Angered, Straners published his video and story online. "I was fine, but I thought I could be seriously hurt if others were doing this," he said.

A U.S. Department of Transportation Safety official said, "We were fired by applying a zero tolerance policy to the employee who caused the problem."

'News Pick'.

(Configuration = New Index Editor)
(Photo = Capture YouTube 'capnskull')