Using a smartphone too often harms our bodies, minds and even our feelings.While technology has the benefits and benefits of making our lives easier, it is a double-edged sword and has many drawbacks, according to an article in the Spanish newspaper El Mundo published by Luisa Valerio.

The author warned of the impact of radiation waves emitted by advanced electronic devices, as the light emitted from the screen may cause several problems for both the brain and eyes, especially when using the device in the dark, where this type of light disturbed sleep and feeling fatigue.

The writer added that smart phones and tablets cause problems in the neck and spine pain, mainly due to the permanent curvature of watching the screen.

The muscles of the hands and arms have a share of these negative effects, as the user can develop carpal tunnel syndrome, which is caused by excessive pressure on the median nerve at the base of the wrist. Excessive use of these devices can reduce user activity and cause obesity.

On an emotional and psychological level, mobile addiction may cause neophysics, fear of a smartphone or lack of access to it. Added to these symptoms are depression and constant anxiety about not being able to keep up with everything new on social media.

The author quoted a statement by life and work training expert David Bejarano, who said that mobile phone addiction could cause personal crises, depression and increased levels of stress and anxiety. This type of people may show behavioral patterns similar to those who suffer from drug addiction.

Not only did David say that introducing these devices into our daily system has transformed our habits, as the mobile phone that is supposed to bring us closer to others is doing the opposite.

In general, we stick to our virtual bubbles and refrain from interacting with others in the real world, making us live in complete unity.

Pikharano explained that smart phone technology and the Internet have contributed to linking people around the world, but its negative effects are linked to the excessive and inappropriate use of this technology. The reason for this is the lack of adequate awareness of the rules of use and its various positive and negative aspects.

To avoid this, the Spanish expert advises to take a digital holiday to get rid of technological toxins, by spending a few days away from the daily routine, away from technology and smart devices, in order to re-link the link with himself, and reduce the levels of stress and fatigue caused by excessive use of these Hardware.

Here we give you tips for eliminating technological toxins:

1- Do not sleep and the smartphone is close to you
Avoid placing the phone beside the bed when you sleep. This solution makes sense if we want to sleep well at night or plan effectively for the entire day immediately after waking up, free from the confusion caused by the presence of the phone.

2. Set times to check your email and notifications
The author states that we should devote a certain time to reading and responding to messages every day.

3. Leave your smartphone meters away from you
The writer said that the best way to get rid of addiction is to put this device a few meters from where you sit, preferably somewhere outside the frame of your vision. This is a useful way to stop some time from checking social media, since each time you have to stand and walk a few meters in order to take the phone, which will make you think about whether it's worth it.

4. Make your phone look boring
The author has touched on a more innovative solution, which is to avoid decorating the phone and make it visually pulling us out of hours. In this regard, you should turn the color of your phone to gray for example, which will discourage the visual stimulation of the screen and reduce our addiction to the phone.

5. Use limitation applications
If these solutions are not enough, you can approve some applications that allow sites to be closed after a certain period of time, or limit the number of times we are allowed to browse the Internet. Plus, you can always put your favorite apps into hard-to-access files.

6. Keep your phone inside the bag
We can put our phones in a bag and ask the people we sit with to put their phones out of their reach. Once this is done, it will be possible to focus on dialogue and avoid all distractions.