Today, an overburdened pregnancy is initiated in Sweden after 42 full weeks of pregnancy. In many other countries in Europe and the US, this is happening in week 41. In Dalarna, as the first region, we have now started with earlier start-ups.

The background to the decision - a study

In 2017, a national study was started by Sahlgrenska University Hospital in which 15 obstetricians around the country participated. The aim was to investigate what was best for the child and the mother, starting in week 41 or 42. The study was to last for three years, but was prematurely stopped due to the preliminary results.

- We were informed that they had seen that there was a better survival for the children for those who started in week 41 instead of week 42. Then the study was first paused to see that there was nothing else behind it, but it seemed to be true, so then it did not seem ethical to continue the study, says Agneta Romin, head of women's health care in Dalarna.

"We couldn't wait for the changes"

In Dalarna, on their own initiative, they chose to start with early start-ups instead of waiting until week 42.

- We had some deaths here in Falun where the patient was included in the study. So it felt even stronger. We discussed and could not see that there was any other way. We couldn't wait to make these changes, ”says Agneta Romin.

The study should be reviewed before publication

The final study results from Sahlgrenska are expected to arrive in the autumn after an external review, and at present, those responsible for the study cannot comment on the results. However, they say that an approved study could eventually change the delivery routines throughout the country.

- Medical progress is happening all the time, you can't look back and say that what you did before was wrong. You did the best you could with the knowledge you had. But when you have knowledge, you should take advantage of it, says Agneta Romin.