• Minors 'taken from parents' for money, in political and medical handcuffs


22 July 2019 The Minister of Justice Alfonso Bonafede, will sign an act to establish a "special justice protection team for children in via Arenula". The same minister announced on Facebook, explaining that "the goal is to ensure that the justice system can have the constant and very tight monitoring of the entire journey of the entrusted children".

Facts like those that emerged from the inquiry 'Angels and demons' on Bibbiano must "never happen again," the minister writes, stating that this is a "commitment" that intends to "carry forward with the utmost determination".

The magistracy, the minister continues, "will do its own in-depth analysis in full autonomy and independence but it is obvious to everyone that the chaos of assignments, broken up between the various competences and further distorted by conflicts of interest and ill connections with politics, can no longer continue". Therefore, it is necessary, according to Bonafede, "to carry out investments and changes in the law to protect and protect children. Justice will do its duty and be inflexible". For this reason, "all the operators will have to feel their breath on the neck by the judiciary that will carry out the checks: the first step - explains the Minister of Justice - will be a homogeneous database that is currently missing" and the commission "will confront the other competent ministries and with the parliamentary commission that will be established ". Among the experts who will be part of the 'team' established in via Arenula, also Jacopo Marzetti, "extraordinary commissioner of Forteto - recalls Bonafede - a reality that was a real community of horrors that the Democratic Party, coincidentally the PD, when it was the government had refused to commissary. It is time - the minister concludes - to put an end to that silence that has suffocated the cry of help of so many children ".