From January 1 to June 30, 2018, Sweden had an immigration surplus of just over 39,500 people. This year, that figure fell by fifteen percent, compared to the same time period. But Uppsala County is against the trend. Again, immigration declined in 2018, but it has increased again in 2019.

The increase in the county is mainly seen in Uppsala. Uppsala has moved around 1,440 people with a foreign background during the first half of this year and just over 660 have moved from here. More than 750 more people with a foreign background live in Uppsala today compared to 2018.

A marginal increase can also be seen in Håbo and Knivsta municipality, while the immigration surplus in Älvkarleby municipality has more than halved compared to last year.

As far as the state is concerned, returning Swedes accounted for 10 percent of immigration. More people came from Afghanistan, while there was a sharp decline among immigrants born in Syria. More and more people who immigrate to Sweden cite work as a reason for immigration.