With the patio of the Royal Post Office by boat and the tapestries of the great occasions, Isabel Díaz Ayuso took possession of the Presidency of the Community of Madrid. If Paco Umbral raised his head, he could resurrect in his person that legendary journalistic prose in which he gave paternal advice to a "Isabel girl." Threshold encumbran in its literary universe the television presenter Isabel Tenaille based on calling her "Isabel girl". More or less that would be how her predecessors would see this Isabel now president, when she was only a fearless and brazen social media assistant. This "Isabel girl" is not really that girl anymore. She is 40 years old and nobody - perhaps not even her - gave a hard few months ago to get where she has arrived this August.

She was a candidate for an anemic party and drilled to the marrow for corruption. He competed at the polls with a professor of Metaphysics and the "golden boy" of all contemporary lefts. He screwed up the campaign one day and another one too. He chewed the humiliation of sitting down to negotiate with the president who left the PP because they made her a candidate, and had to wait for Trump's aristocrats in Madrid to get tired of talking and talking.

Isabel Díaz Ayuso was an unsuspected, unlikely president. But there it is already, in his office at the Puerta del Sol, where the Community is managed and Spanish essences are stored based on daily incense. It is a fact that the new president has changed in these months. It may be excessive to praise his "intellectual" stature, as Pablo Casado did . On days like yesterday, the leader of the PP goes into optimistic combustion and can forget that he only has 66 seats in Congress. The politicians of the old plan were more realistic: "Isabel has matured." Even his friends and acquaintances were afraid of his campaign interventions. Please, don't get into another garden. Now they have lost their fear of hearing it.

Unexpectedly, the PP of Aguirre incubated the new president in the positions destined to the service of the "grandeur" of the aguirrismo, now struck down by corruption. It was enough to take a look at the paisanaje of the inauguration to realize that the PP of Isabel Díaz Ayuso is the same PP that has been in the Puerta del Sol for more than a quarter of a century. Of what there was almost no trace was the Rajoy PP, dismantled and condemned to the secrecy of some regional baronies. Circumstances have allowed the heirs of Aguirre to send today from the Puerta del Sol to the noble floor of Genoa. In 2003, Rajoy challenged the Madrid PP to go to another game if he wanted to. Many years later, Rajoy who would have to go to another game. If the retreat had not knocked the door down.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Mariano Rajoy
  • Isabel Díaz Ayuso
  • Pablo Casado
  • Madrid
  • Esperanza Aguirre

Adoptive Cat Ayuso props up Married

EDITORIAL An alternative project to Pedro Sánchez

EditorialCasado, in the consolidation phase