Senate Anna Maria Bernini of Forza Italia (screenshot)

  • Conte speaks to the Senate: "Government action stops here, after my resignation at the Hill debate"


20 August 2019 In the Senate Anna Maria Bernini from Forza Italia took the floor. "Political stability comes only from new elections," Bernini said.

No VAT increase, immediately to the vote
"We cannot allow ourselves the provisional exercise and the increase in VAT that you have included in the Budget Law. We are convinced that all this should be avoided" but for this we must "go as quickly as possible to the vote". This was stated by the parent company of Forza Italia in the Senate, Anna Maria Bernini, in the Chamber.

So far, have you been to Palazzo Chigi or to the moon?
"But have you been President Conte all this time at Palazzo Chigi or on the Moon?" This is how Anna Maria Bernini addressed the premier in the Madama palace hall, stressing that in her communications "she did not turn to us ...". Bernini reiterated that "the most effective way to deal with the problems indicated is to go to the vote".

Actually she would like her own government bis
"She really wants to stay there", she would like to "make a Conte bis". Anna Maria Bernini said this in the Senate to the Conte. "You really opened this crisis too late on the skin of Italians," he added.