The plans to build a new, modern police house in Eskilstuna have been going on for a long time. In 2012, plans stalled since the National Police Board chose to cancel the procurement because the rent was considered too high.

"Early Autumn"

The major reorganization of the police has also come in between, but since then new ones are being taken. Soon, news can come about where to place the new police house.

- My opinion is that we are talking about early autumn and that means within a couple of months, says local police chief Christer Sjöqvist.

Exactly what different investment options are available, keep Christer Sjöqvist secretly "not to disturb the negotiations" that are going on.

Have promised to eat up his hat

According to Sjöqvist, the new police house should be completed by the end of 2023 or definitely at the latest one year later.

- We had a discussion at work that it will be done before I retire in 2024 and I have promised to eat my hat if it does not.