“Individual-type” defined contribution pension “All employees can participate” Considered by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare August 20, 5:15

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is considering reforming the system so that all employees can join if they wish, in order to encourage the use of “individual” defined contribution pensions that are added to public pensions for the formation of assets after retirement. It is.

“Individual” defined contribution pension = iDeCo is one of private pensions that are voluntarily enrolled by individuals on top of the public pension.

However, in the case of a company employee, if the company at which the company is employed is enrolled in a “corporate-type” defined contribution pension plan in which contributions are contributed, it is necessary to change the rules in labor negotiations in order to use it together. There are only about 1.3 million people.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is considering revising the system so that all company employees can join without agreement between labor and management, if they wish, in order to encourage the use of iDeCo for the formation of assets after retirement.

In addition to making it possible to make contributions up to 55,000 yen per month together with the “enterprise type”, the membership period is now from 20 to under 60 years old. is.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare will begin discussions at the Social Security Council within the month and aim to submit related bills to the ordinary Diet next year.