The employment agency's investment Jobskills has so far cost 125 million. The idea is that asylum seekers should be able to translate and disseminate their resume to get closer to jobs - but the service has been severely reduced following SVT's review, which showed, among other things, that it could be used for refugee espionage, and after a legal investigation that was done prior to launch.

Today, Jobskills contains much less information about the asylum-seeker, job intermediaries are allowed to use the service, and they explicitly advise against asylum-seekers from using Jobskills if they fear persecution.

And now it goes without saying that you don't even have to find out how many people use the service.

"We must not extract information from the system. Therefore, we cannot also extract statistics," says the Labor Office's legal director Anna Middelman.

May have broken the ban

Within Jobskills, the user - the asylum seeker - must own the information, and the Employment Service should thus have no transparency, it is called.

- Of course, it would be best if we could see how effective this service is, but it is set against integrity, says Anna Middelman.

According to her, the statistics stop since last summer, but SVT's review shows that the Employment Service continued to present figures on Jobskills long after that - most recently in January when a total of 38,000 profiles were registered.

Starts investigation

And Jobskills is not the only database on which the Swedish Employment Service presents statistics, despite being subject to the same regulations. In the so-called "Kandidatbanken" there is the CV of over 100,000 job seekers - which the authority has highlighted in, among other things, its annual report.

When SVT asks if these numbers are legal, the answer is - that you do not know.

- I have now initiated an action and action plan to investigate where the statistics were produced. We will also investigate what possible measures we may need to take to ensure proper handling, says Director of Justice Anna Middelman for SVT.

Labor Minister YlvaJohansson (S), who once ordered Jobskills, wants to comment on Jobskills, but states through his press contact that the Employment Service no longer has an explicit assignment to develop Jobskills.