Cold water bathing gives the body many benefits.It helps save energy, allows blood to flow, boost muscle tone and relieve pain. In Central European countries, many prefer to dive in cold water despite low temperatures.

Cold water has been shown to help stimulate blood circulation and maintain a smooth and renewed skin. The author Ada Nunio - in a report published in the newspaper "Confederation" Spanish - that cold water helps maintain youth and health.

Shower for a month with cold water
Daniel Zeickel, a journalist at the Manz Health magazine, who decided to challenge herself and take a shower for a month with cold water, spoke of her experience.

“It was the first time I heard about the benefits of having a cold bath during high school. This reduced muscle pain and inflammation, improved mood and energy for the body, which led me to experience. "

Cold water helps keep young and healthy (Pixabee)

Hot water is warm and then cold
Daniel asserts that it is not easy to take this step. It is advisable to work on it slowly, and therefore prefer to shower with hot water at first, then move to warm water, until it reaches cold water.

When you dry your body, wear a sweatshirt and have a cup of tea to warm your body. "It wasn't as bad as it seems," she added. "I imagined it would be worse, but I quickly got used to it."

Cold water awakens the most inactive people
Bathing with cold water is not easy, and if you endure it, it's worth it. Once you gain the confidence that you were strong enough to withstand a cold shower, you are suddenly able to do many other things, Daniel says.

In addition to the mental power that Daniel has gained, cold water has given her a good boost of energy to actively start her day, especially when bathing at night. "The tremors that the body feels about cold water are enough to awaken the most inactive people," Daniel was quoted as saying.

Taking a cold bath regularly helps strengthen muscles

You won't need to drink coffee
Adrenaline, which is released by the body when flooded with cold water, releases norepinephrine, which helps increase energy, concentration and performance, so you don't need to drink coffee.

"She doesn't wake up early for a shower every morning, but on the days I did, I felt a lot better," she says.

On the other hand, cold water helps relieve muscle pain. According to Henry Halls, owner of a gym in Philadelphia, taking a cold bath regularly helps strengthen muscles.

In addition, a 2009 study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that diving in water after performing cardio, running, or cycling exercises contributes to muscle recovery and pain relief. Care should also be taken to keep the water extremely cold, since once it spreads to the skin, blood flow increases. Therefore, you should wait until your skin is red.

"This has helped me a lot, as the training has improved significantly," says Daniel.

If you want a similar experience, don't waste any more time, as the weather is hot, and it may be difficult to get cold water in winter.