Earlier this week we were able to talk about the third art theft in six months from Kramfors Art Hall. This time it was the High Coast fellow Gitte Eidslott's art that disappeared. No less than four works had been taken by the thief.

The theft was discovered on August 7, but now the crime appears to have been resolved.

The staff googled

It was when a person entered a mortgage bank in Gävle and claimed to have won the works at an art lottery in Kramfors that the staff suspected. They googled for the artist and the works and realized that it was the stolen paintings from Kramfors Art Hall.

- I am really grateful to the awake staff, who, after all, stood by the police even called the police. They came to the scene and reportedly held a first interrogation with the man, says Ninni Mellander, cultural unit manager in Kramfors.

"Happy ending"

The artwork has been taken care of and will be sent back to Kramfors.

- How and how it will happen I do not know. Now I'm just happy that everything has a happy ending, says Ninni Mellander.