“The Koptevsky District Court of Moscow received a claim from GUP Mosgortrans against the defendants I.V. Yashin, A.Yu. Solovyov, Yu.E. Galyaminoy, L.E. Sable, I.Yu. Zhdanov, V.S. Milov, A.A. Navalny, O.O. Stepanova, G.V. To Alburov to recover damages, ”Solopova said.

She said that Mosgortrans demands to recover from the defendants damages worth more than 1.2 million rubles due to the loss of flights due to the blocking of the carriageway by participants of uncoordinated actions in different parts of Moscow.

Also filed a lawsuit in the amount of 11.4 million rubles from the State Budgetary Institution of Moscow “Roads”. Public utilities demanded compensation for the allocated freight transport to organize road safety, sanitary support of road facilities in the territory of which illegal activities took place. At the same time, almost 11 million rubles will be spent on the repair of damaged small architectural forms and elements of arrangement of road facilities.

Another lawsuit was filed in the Tushinsky District Court of Moscow from Ankor LLC. The plaintiff stated that on July 27, in connection with an uncoordinated rally on Tverskaya Street, he was forced to temporarily suspend the provision of catering services in order to preserve property and not cause harm to his employees and customers. The plaintiff estimated the loss of profit at almost 552 thousand rubles.

Earlier, Mosgortrans filed lawsuits against the participants of the uncoordinated protest on July 27.