
August 15, 2019 Landings are down, down 79.6%, but repatriations are also falling: from August 1, 2018 to July 31, 2019, they fell by 0.7%, while those assisted fell by more than halved. Another striking fact is the drastic reduction in the costs of the reception system, where there are currently 105,142 migrants, 34% less than in 2018: from the 2.2 billion spent from 1 August 2017 to 31 July 2018, yes in fact it has passed to 501 million in the last year.

This is what emerges from the data of a year of activity that the Interior Ministry released on the occasion of Ferragosto. 141 foreign fighters, 29 returned to the EU, 109 expulsions, controlled over 500 thousand people.

Stolen assets from organizations for 7.5 billion
Between seizures and confiscations, assets amounting to over 7.5 billion were taken from criminal organizations. The Interior Ministry's report on a year of activity indicates 6,802 seized assets, for a total of 3.8 billion, and 3,644 confiscated assets, for a value of 3.7 billion. On 31 July of this year there are also 16,738 assets taken from the mafia, the Camorra and the Ndrangheta and returned to the community: 15,768 properties and 970 companies.

Less accidents but more deaths
Road accidents are decreasing but deaths are increasing. In the face of a reduction in the total number of road accidents, which rose from 75,541 in the same period last year to 73,408 this year, with a drop of 2.8%, there was in fact an increase in both victims - + 6%, from 1,630 to 1,727 - both for fatal accidents, up 2.1% (from 1,505 to 1,536). The number of injured fell by 2.8%, from 49,644 to 48,249. With regard to controls, just over 2.3 million infractions were ascertained (-5%) and almost 1.3 million checks were carried out with breathalysers (-4.8%).

According to the "Viminal Dossier", between August 2018 and July 2019 in Italy 307 homicides were committed, 14% less than last year. Of these, only 25 are attributable to organized crime (-19.4%) and 145 to the family / affective sphere (-4%).

Still in the last twelve months, robberies (-16.2%), thefts (-11.2%) and scams (-2.1%, except for those with victims aged over 65 increased by 1.2%) are down .

Femicides and stalking
The percentage of women victims of homicides committed in the family / emotional sphere between August 2018 and July of this year is 63.4%. The chapter 'gender violence' includes 12,733 complaints for stalking presented (in three cases out of 4 by women) in the last year, 13% less than the previous year.

Also between August 2018 and July 2019, the questore's warnings grew by 32.5% and those for domestic violence increased by 76%, while removals dropped by 1.2%.