Fredrik Brennan is a 25-year-old programmer and the one who created 8chan 2013. It is the site that is linked to several right-wing extremist motivated mass shooters.

"There is definitely a group on the site that is extremely hateful and who is very happy when these shootings happen," Fredrick Brennan told AFP after the mass shooting in EL Paso, Texas, where the perpetrator killed 22 people, many with Hispanic backgrounds.

He has left the site, which is currently being shut down by his internet provider after the latest internationally acclaimed mass shooting in the US. But he wants the site to be shut down for good.

"It's impossible to talk to the media and defend 8chan," he told AFP who met him in Manila, Philippines, where he lives.

Celebrated Christchurch deed

It was on 8chan that the terrorist in Christchurch, New Zealand published his racist manifesto in March, before he killed 51 mosque visitors.

Several other right-wing extremist killers, including the shooter who killed 22 in EL Paso, Texas, have, in their writings on the same site, paid tribute to the killer in New Zealand. Even the 21-year-old Norwegian, who is suspected of the mosque attack last weekend and the murder of his step-sister, must have felt selected by the same terrorist.

He wrote this in another forum, which should have received many new users from 8chan after the site's supplier closed the website.

"They find an interesting home"

Paul Goldenberg works against domestic terrorism targeting minority groups in the United States. He sees how the right-wing extremists inspire each other to deadly violence on these forums.

- They find an interesting home on these sites. And what is extremely extraordinary is that some followers during and after the attacks are disappointed in some of the shooters for not killing enough people, he says.

The security expert, who is affiliated with Rutgers University in New Jersey, says society through various agencies must intervene more against hate groups. But also that social platforms should be required greater responsibility. For the white power environment only gets bigger and more dangerous.

- We learn to see that they become more well-organized and, unfortunately, more sophisticated in the near future, says Paul Goldenberg.