This was reported in the press service of the Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights.

“As a result of the appeal of the Presidential Ombudsman for Children to the Director of the All-Russian Children's Center“ Ocean ”, 24 children from the Kholdomi Children's Health Center, especially those who need rehabilitation after a fire, were sent to the Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Education and Training Center“ Ocean ”, the statement said.

In the center, children receive a complete rest and the necessary assistance of qualified specialists.

In addition, they have the opportunity to take additional training courses.

The shift at the All-Russian Children's Center will last until August 31.

“Today, everything needs to be done so that these children can compensate to the maximum for the rest that they have not received, it is important to smooth out the psychological trauma caused to them as a result of the incident -“ Ocean ”has all the necessary resources for this,” the press service quoted the children’s words Ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova.

Earlier, in the area of ​​the Koldomi children's camp, the emergency mode introduced after the fire was lifted, as a result of which four children were killed.

On the fact of an emergency in a children's camp, investigators opened criminal proceedings for causing death through negligence and the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements.

State Duma deputy Gennady Onishchenko, commenting in a conversation with the FAN about the fire in the campground, said that there were insufficient measures to control places for additional recreation for children.