For people with diabetes, getting and maintaining a healthy weight is essential.

Maintaining adequate weight helps control blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of additional complications such as stroke or heart attack.

People with diabetes who want to lose weight safely should avoid diets that give them fast results or are deprived of food in their quest for satisfactory results, as this can cause problems with blood sugar levels.

Obesity is a serious factor in type 2 diabetes and is common in type 1 diabetes.

Patients must consider several factors such as age, public health and the number of kilograms they have to lose. Talking to a healthcare professional is the most appropriate step before starting any new weight loss program.

Several factors, such as age, public health, and the number of kilograms that must be taken into account (websites)

"The best diet to lose weight for a person with diabetes is the diet that they should stick to in the long run," Global Village Spice said. The following diets include long-term health changes to help you lose weight properly:

Mediterranean diet
The Mediterranean diet includes certain dietary options and popular cooking methods for some places in the Mediterranean region. The diet includes vegetables, whole grains, moderately eating cereals, nuts and seeds, herbs and spices, olive oil, fish and eggs.

The authors of the 2017 research note that the Mediterranean diet may be a good way to lose weight for people with diabetes.

They highlighted a two-year study of 36 obese people and type 2 diabetes. Within this diet, participants followed either a low-carbohydrate diet, a Mediterranean diet, or a low-fat diet for two years.

The Mediterranean diet was the most suitable for changes in fasting insulin and glucose levels, as those who followed the Mediterranean diet lost about 1.5 kilograms, or 3.3 pounds more than those who followed a low-fat diet.

Low carbohydrates
Low-carb diets are among the most popular weight loss regimens.

Low-carb diets limit a person's consumption of carbohydrates and include more protein and healthy fats.

Foods that should be avoided under a low-carb diet include potatoes, rice, white bread, cakes, sweets, bagels, and pasta.

Those who follow a low-carb diet should eat plenty of vegetables and get plenty of protein from lean fish and meat as well as eggs.

Low-carb diets include more protein and healthy fats (networking sites)

Some studies show that low-carb diets may be effective for people with diabetes.

One study also included adults with symptoms of prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, and their BMI of more than 25.

As part of this study, participants followed either a low-carb, high-fat diet with unlimited calories. Or follow an average carbohydrate, low-fat diet, with calorie restriction.

Three months later, the low-carb diet group lost 5.5 kilograms, compared with 2.6 kilograms for those on a low-carb and low-fat diet.

It is necessary to recognize different types of low-carb diets. Some diets limit carbohydrate consumption to as much as 20 grams or less a day, which may not be suitable for everyone.

Stone Age Diet
The old diet, or Paleo Diet, is a tradition of the diet that people followed thousands of years ago when they had to look for food.

Paleolithic staples include fruits, vegetables, lean meats and fish.

The list of foods in the Paleo diet is similar to those in the low-carb diet, as the Paleo diet prevents the consumption of most grains.

In a 2013 study, 13 people with type 2 diabetes followed the Paleo diet for three months, then switched to a diabetes diet for another three months.

The diabetic diet included evenly distributed meals containing dietary fiber, bread, whole grains, cereals and vegetables.

The researchers found that the Paleo diet contained more calories than the diabetic diet.

Participants noted greater weight loss with the Paleo diet, but found it more difficult to tolerate. Therefore, those who eat a low-carbohydrate diet should eat a lot of vegetables, get a lot of protein from fish, lean meat and eggs.

Some studies show that low-carb diets may be effective and safe for people with diabetes. One study included adults who had diabetes or type 2 diabetes and had a BMI of more than 25.

Plant diets exclude meat and focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds (websites)

Vegetarian system
Vegetarian diets exclude meat and focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

People who follow a vegetarian diet usually avoid eating all animal products, including dairy and eggs.

A vegetarian diet may help people with diabetes lose weight.

Many of the foods in the Paleo diet are similar to those in the low-carb diet, as Paleo diet bans the consumption of most cereals.

The 2017 review highlighted the benefits of a diabetic vegetarian diet. In one study, 99 people of all ages followed either a vegetarian diet or a diet based on the American Diabetes Association's (IDA) diet, which includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables and meat.

After 22 weeks, participants in the vegetarian diet lost an average of 6.5 kilograms, and participants in the IDA diet lost 3.1 kilograms. Forty-three percent of participants in the vegetarian diet reduced diabetes medications, compared with 26 percent for IDA diet participants.

People with diabetes are struggling to control blood glucose, since insulin scores tend to rise and fall in the body of diabetics that consume sweets.